Grants and Funding Opportunities

The Shire of Waroona administers two grant funding programs to help support and recognise our community.

We are committed to supporting incorporated not-for-profit organisations and associations (or groups auspiced by one) to turn great ideas into projects and events that benefit our Shire.

Alcoa Waroona Micro Grants Fund - closed

(Up to $2,000)

The Alcoa Waroona Micro Grants Fund (AWMGF) is a partnership between Alcoa of Australia and the Shire of Waroona. It aims to supports groups to:

  1. Build and strengthen their organisational capacity or sustainability; or
  2. Deliver events, projects, programs or facilities that benefit Waroona communities or address a well evidenced need, effectively contributing to building a vibrant, inclusive and healthy community.

Applications are invited twice per year, with a maximum grant allocation of $2,000 approved per community group within the financial year. Please note the following deadlines.

 Apply here       Acquit your grant       Read the Fact Sheet   

Alcoa Waroona Sustainability Fund - closed

(Over $10,000)

This grant fund aims to assist our local groups and organisations to deliver projects that make a positive contribution towards the Shire’s economic, social, recreational and environmental sustainability.

To be eligible, project applications must align with at least one of the following key priority areas:

• Capital Improvements
• Public Space Enhancement
• Durable Equipment
• Economic Development
• Environmental Sustainability
• Education and Training
• Community Welfare
• Other

It is expected that no individual application be less than $10,000 or exceed an amount of $50,000.

Please download the grant guidelines and application form for further information.

It's important that you discuss your grant ideas with the Community Development team prior to submitting an application. Please contact us on 9733 7800 or email to make an appointment.

Apply here          Acquit your grant          Read the Grant Guidelines

Projects must align with the Shire of Waroona 2030 Strategic Community Plan.

Further Information

The Shire's Community Development team can help to review your project ideas and submit a competitive grant application. Please contact us on 9733 7800 or email to discuss your request for funding.