Bins & Collection Dates

Kerbside Rubbish Collection

A compulsory weekly rubbish removal service is conducted by contractors Cleanaway throughout the townsites of Waroona, Hamel, and Preston Beach, as well as the Old Coast Road area, Tuart Grove, and the Armstrong Hills subdivision.

Wednesday Old Coast Road, Tuart Grove, Armstrong Hills subdivision and Preston Beach, Hamel Rural.
Thursday Waroona and Hamel

Bin Guidelines

Bin placement:
  • Place your bins on the verge by 6.00am on the day of your collection
  • Place your bins at least half (0.5) a metre apart with the wheels facing your property and within one (1) metre of the road
  • Place bins away from cars, trees, power poles and other obstructions

General Waste Bin:

  • Emptied weekly on the designated collection day for your area
  • Freeze odorous waste and place into the bin the night before collection
  • Ensure the lid is closed and the bin weighs less than 70kg
  • Place lawn clippings into a bag to prevent jamming in the bin
  • Return bins to your property as soon as possible after emptying

The following items are NOT to be placed in your general waste bin:

  • Oil or liquids
  • Hot ashes
  • Batteries
  • Soil
  • Chemicals
  • Bricks and concrete

Recycling Bin

The Shire of Waroona's recycling service is carried out on a fortnightly basis for everyone who receives a bin service.  Your yellow lid bin will be emptied fortnightly on the same day that your green bin is emptied.  Recycling bins must be out by 6.00am.

Residents are advised to loosely place all items in the recycling bin - not in plastic bags.

The following items BELONG in your yellow lid recycling bin:
  • Aluminum and steel cans – clean and empty
  • Plastic bottles and containers with a 1, 2 or 3 recycling symbol on the base – lids off, clean and empty
  • Newspaper, office paper, magazine & junk mail – excluding shredded paper
  • Glass bottles and jars – lids off, clean and empty
  • Cardboard – flattened
  • Drink cartons, including long life cartons – clean and empty

The following items do NOT belong in your yellow lid recycling bin:

These items affect processing

These items affect safety

These items affect quality

·         Strapping

·         Clothing

·         Rope, cable and hose

·         Hazardous waste

·         Aerosols

·         Nappies

·         Batteries

·         Needles and syringes

·      Flexible plastics

·      Food

·      Food contaminated items

·      Shredded paper


Recycle Right WA -
What can I recycle flyer
What happens to my recyclables flyer


New, Damaged or Missed Bins:

For all enquiries regarding new, damaged, stolen or missed rubbish collections, please contact the Shire of Waroona on (08) 9733 7800 or alternatively complete the below form.

Please complete this form for new bin requests or repair or replacement of an existing service.

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