Switch Your Thinking

Energy Efficiency Pilot Program

Switch Your Thinking has partnered with the Western Australian Government to deliver an Energy Efficiency Pilot Program, to build energy literacy and implement energy efficiency measures within participating Western Australian Local Governments.

The Pilot Program will support residents and small to medium-sized businesses by providing access to relevant, accessible energy efficiency education such as home energy audit kits and workshops. Follow the links below for the key parts of the Energy Efficient Pilot Program you can benefit from:

  • A thermal imaging camera to help you locate draughts around your home and gaps in insulation, for checking fridge seals, and measuring hot water temperature.
  • A plug-in energy monitor for measuring energy consumption and the running costs of appliances.
  • A basin flow measuring cup to determine the water flow rate of your taps.
  • A thermometer for measuring the temperature of rooms, fridges and freezers.
  • A document case containing an energy audit kit instruction manual and other useful resources that can help you improve sustainability in and around your home and how to take advantage of Rewards for Residents

Switch Your Thinking will run a series of energy efficiency workshops throughout 2025. These will focus on a variety of topics for households, including reducing energy use, solar panels, electric vehicles and planning for electrification. All available workshops are listed on this page and on Switch Your Thinking’s dedicated Events Page.

Switch Your Thinking will run a series of energy efficiency workshops for businesses that will focus on energy saving tips for small to medium-sized businesses. These workshops will be held online. 

Switch Your Thinking will hold two full day (9am - 4pm) carbon accounting training sessions in April and May and these sessions will focus on explaining carbon accounting, why it is important and how you can implement simple measures into your business. The cost of this training has been completely covered through the EEPP and the learnings from these sessions will be of great value to local businesses. The training sessions are fully catered with morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea as well as tea and coffee offered throughout.

For more information visit Switch Your Thinking - Home - Switch Your Thinking