What is composting?
The Shire encourages residents to compost their food scraps and garden waste wherever possible. Currently, Australian households throw out almost 2.5 million tonnes of food each year. By implementing at home composting this material could be put to better use in the garden as compost to improve soil quality.
Composting is a simple process where naturally occurring bacteria and fungi breakdown organic matter. The end product, a nutrient rich soil-like material, can be used to create and maintain a healthy and sustainable garden that requires less water.
Composting can bring a second life to:
- Vegetable and fruit scraps
- Tea leaves and plastic-free tea bags
- Coffee grounds
- Crushed eggshells
- Shredded paper and cardboard
- Leaves, twigs and other garden waste
If you have ever wondered if there was something better than your rubbish bin for these materials, why not give composting a go?
What is worm farming?
Worm farming is another way to recycle your food scraps by feeding them to hungry worms in a special worm house. Worm farming can be a more suitable option for smaller households who don't produce enough organic matter for a compost system.
Set up your worm farm, introduce some worms, chop your organic matter into small pieces and feed your worms - simple! Children will love seeing the worm numbers multiple as your wriggle of worms grows.
You can place the following items in your worm farm:
- Vegetable and fruit scraps
- Tea leaves and plastic-free tea bags
- Coffee grounds
- Crushed eggshells
- Shredded paper and cardboard
- Feeds and flowers
You can use the end products in the garden to nourish your plants and soil - there are two end products leachate (the juice) and the castings. Turn the juice into a worm tea by diluting the liquid and dig the castings into your soil to improve soil health.
Rivers Regional Council – Composting Brochure
Waste Authority - fact_sheet_Compost.pdf
Worm farms | Agriculture and Food
Rivers Regional Council – Worm Farm Brochure
How to build your own worm farm | WasteSorted
Waste Authority - fact_sheet_Worm_farming.pdf