Food Hygiene
The Shire is responsible for routine inspections of any food business that is registered within the Shire. These food businesses must comply with the Food Act 2008 and the associated Food Standards Code, so as to maintain a high standard of food hygiene practices. Food Businesses also include Temporary Food Stalls, Bed & Breakfast establishments, and Mobile Food Vendors.
Registration & Approvals
All food businesses within the Shire, if not exempt, must be registered with the Shire's records. Please contact the Shire of Waroona Health Department on 9733 7800 or to arrange.
Exempted food businesses are those that conduct operations as approved non-profit organisations which raise money solely for the purpose of a charitable or community nature, and the food for sale is not a potentially hazardous food. However, it is still a requirement to complete the relevant form for approval.
The Shire encourages new business within the region. If you plan to open up a new food business within the Shire, Town Planning, Building and Health approval must be sought. Please contact the Shire Office for further information on 9733 7800.
The Shire treats any food business complaint seriously. If you have a complaint against a food business, or you have experienced a case of food-borne illness, and know the possible food businees source, please contact the Shire's Environmental Health Services on 9733 7800.
Online Food Safety Training
Please click here for FOODSAFE Online Training.
More Information
Application Forms