
The townsite of Waroona is situated on the South West Highway, 108 kms from Perth.

It can be reached by road from Perth via Mandurah or Armadale and is a comfortable 1.5 hour drive from the Perth City Centre.

Other distances are:

  • Waroona to Armadale - 83km
  • Waroona to Mandurah - 42km
  • Waroona to Bunbury - 72km
  • Waroona to Rockingham - 77km

Waroona Shire has approximately 4,650 people and is a progressive country town situated on the foothills of the Darling Range with many views out over the coastal plain and irrigation areas.

Total Land Area 83,512.6 Ha
Distance from Perth: 110km
Revenue: $8.4 million
Shire Population: 4,650
Number of Dwellings: 2000
Electricity Supply: Western Power 250.240V AC
Water Supply: Water Corporation
Sewerage System: Septic Tanks and Water Corporation Sewerage Systems
Lengths of Roads: Sealed 270 km Unsealed 154 km
Area in Sq Km 835
Land Use: Recreation and/or camping Reserve 488.5 ha
Water Reserve 94.5 ha
Townsite Reserve 713.1 ha
Other Reserve 234.4 ha
Public Works Department 435.3 ha
Water Corporation 3.9 ha
State Forest 35,735.2 ha
Timber Reserve - Land Act 13.8 ha
Conservator of Forest Land 195.0 ha
Vacant Crown Land 640.2 ha
Private Property 39,100.5 ha
National Park 5,414.0 ha
Flora and/or Fauna Reserve 443.2 ha
Length of Coastline 19 km

Townsites In Area

Waroona, Hamel, Preston Beach, Lake Clifton, Nanga Brook, and Wagerup. Several rural residential developments are located throughout the Shire e.g. Tuart Grove and Armstrong Hills.


Located Corner Hesse & Thatcher Streets, Waroona.

Local Industry

Dairy, whole milk, horticulture, vegetables, tourism, forestry, beef, sheep, engineering, earthmoving, bauxite mining, Wagerup Alumina Refinery.


Recreational activities such as cricket, basketball, netball, football, swimming and golf are well catered for in the town. The Recreation and Aquatic Centre in Waroona caters for indoor aquatic activities, basketball, badmington, pickleball, karate, swimming, netball, gymnastics and has a modern gymnasium. There are also creche facilities.

The Drakesbrook Weir (Lake Moyanup), 2kms south east of the town provides the residents with swimming and fishing opportunities. Fishing in the local streams and at Preston Beach, 32km west, bushwalking and picnicking in the Darling Ranges directly to the east of the town provide sources of passive recreation.

Waroona Dam (Lake Navarino) 7km east of the town, provides opportunities for freshwater swimming, sailing, water skiing and fishing.


During the year the rainfall averages about 1060mm. The wettest months as you would expect are June/July/Aug but the rest of the year is most pleasant.


The Commercial Centre consists of an independent grocery store, bottle shop, cafes, bakery, fish & chip shop, hairdresser, chemist, motor mechanics/fuel, hardware store, newsagency, antique store, and real estate agencies.

A Veterinary Clinic serving large and small animals is also located in the town.

There is a small Industrial area where factories operate including panel beating/spray painting, aluminium window and door manufacture, concrete products manufacture, steel fabrication and machinery hire premises, electrical contractor.

Two hotels are in the town:

The Rec (old Waroona Hotel) - located between Fouracre Street/South West Hwy in the centre of town, provides accommodation, dining facilities, bottle shop, and TAB facilities

Drakesbrook Hotel Motel - located on South West Highway, on the northern approach to the town consisting of motel units, restaurant, public bar, bottle shop and TAB facilities.

Housing and Land

Waroona Town is expanding every year with a steady growth of new housing construction.

Housing developments are also occurring on the coast at Preston Beach and nearby rural residential areas of Lake Clifton including Tuart Grove, and Armstrong Hills.

All land within the townsite is serviced by bitumen roads, scheme water, telephone and Western Power.

In the Special Residential areas the electricity is underground.

Health Services

  • Waroona Harvey Medical Group, located at 22 Fouracre Street, Open Mon – Fri 8.30 – 5.00pm and alternate Saturdays (by appointment)
  • People requiring hospitalisation use Pinjarra 23kms north, or the Peel Health Campus at Mandurah. The nearest Emergency Services are available at Harvey Hospital and the Peel Health Campus.
  • A Child Health Clinic is available at the Waroona Community Resource Centre.


  • Waroona District High School - Kindergarten to Year 10, transport via School Bus Services to Pinjarra Senior High School is provided for students in Years 11 and 12. A number of Private schools utilise School Bus Services from Waroona to Mandurah including South Yunderup.
  • St Joseph's School, Waroona - A Catholic education school also takes students from Kindergarten to Year Six.
  • Play Group is at 2 Henning Street
  • Waroona Child Care is at 39 South West Highway


The principal employer in the Shire is Alcoa Australia operating an Alumina Refinery and minesite just south of the town and employing nearly 800 people.

Other industries employing significant labour include stock transporters, and local earth moving contractors.


There are clubs for all sorts of arts and crafts, church groups, Lions Club, Agricultural Society, exercise groups, dancing and swimming, and a varied number of sports.

Other organisations include Fire Brigade, St John's Ambulance, and RSL.


Currently there are 3 major churches in town Anglican, Roman Catholic and Uniting. Other churches also cater for the religious needs of the community.

Aged Accommodation

Within the town is Frail Aged Accommodation called Quambie Park Inc (Pam Corker House) that consists of cottage, unit and hostel accommodation for the elderly.  Website -  

Aged & Day Care

Home and Community Care offers transport to the Shopping Centre, plus day care facilities on a regular basis. Meals on Wheels service is available.

Emergency Services

St John Ambulance

The St Johns Ambulance sub-branch in Waroona has modern well equipped vans available.

For more detailed information relating to Waroona and its surrounding areas, please contact out office on 9733 7800 or email us at