The Waroona Landcare Centre is located at 93 Southwest Highway, Waroona (opposite the Memorial Hall). The Centre provides office space for Peel-Harvey Catchment Council’s Natural Resource Management Support Officer (Colleen Archibald) and Natural Resource Management Officer for Fire Recovery (Megan LeRoy). It is also a base for the Harvey River Restoration Taskforce’s Rivercare Officer (Jane Townsend) and Rivercare Support Officer (Jordon Garbellini).
The officers provide professional technical assistance for landcare activities including revegetation, streamlining (fencing & revegetation of riparian areas), protection of bush land, sustainable agriculture and pest and weed control. The Centre also coordinates the delivery of field days, workshops and seminars, working in partnership with Landcare Groups, State Government agencies, NGOs, industry, and the community.
Colleen, Megan, Jane and Jordon are available part-time. Please call to make sure they are in the office on
9733 2628 or 9733 2588.