Firebreaks & Fire Control
Your Legal Requirements
Important information relating to your responsibility as a landholder in the Shire of Waroona. With reference to Section 33 of the Bush Fires Act, 1954, you are required to carry out fire prevention work on land owned or occupied by you in accordance with the provisions of this order.
This work must be carried out on or before November 30th and kept maintained throughout the summer months until the close of Restricted Burning Period.
Persons who fail to comply with the requirements of this order may be issued with an infringement notice (penalty $250) or prosecuted with an increased penalty, and additionally, Council may carry out required work at cost to the owner or occupier.
If it is considered for any reason to be impractical to clear firebreaks as required by this notice or natural features render firebreaks unnecessary you may apply to the Council or its duly authorised officer not later than the 30th day of November for permission to provide a variation for firebreaks in alternative positions or to take alternative action to abate fire hazards on the land.
All variation requests must be made by the property owner or person authorised to act upon the owners behalf. Individual requests are required for each property. If permission is not granted by the Council or its duly authorised officer, you shall comply with the requirements of this notice. You must have your variation in place and operational by 30 November. It is your responsibility to demonstrate that the variation will be maintained for the entire restricted and prohibited burning times. Failure to demonstrate compliance and the ability to maintain the alternative solutions approved within the variation will automatically require total compliance with the firebreak order in its entirety. If the requirements of this notice are carried out by burning, such burning must be in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Bush Fires Act.
Installing and maintaining firebreaks each year is a legal requirement for all land owners/occupiers within the Shire. Further information on firebreaks and your legal requirements can be found in the Shire's current Firebreak Notice.
2024/25 Firebreak Notice
Click below for a list of local Firebreak Contractors.
Firebreak Contractors.
Variation to Firebreak Orders
If you consider you cannot clear firebreaks as required by the Firebreak Notice, you may apply in writing to Council requesting permission to provide firebreaks in an alternative position or take alternative action to comply with the Firebreak Notice.
Look at alternative ways to keep your firebreaks clear, spraying early will save you time and money when it comes time to clear the firebreak area.
For further information on Variation to Firebreak Orders, refer to the Shire's current Firebreak Notice. The Shires Ranger services will be able to assist you through this process.
Firebreak Variation Form
Restricted and Prohibited Burning Times
The below dates are subject to variation and any alterations will be published in a local newspaper circulating within the district.
Restricted Period
1 October
30 November
Permits Required
Prohibited Period
1 December
31 March
No Burning Permitted
Restricted Period
1 April
15 May
Permits Required
Fire permits must be obtained from your relevant Fire Control Officer for burning off during the restricted burning time.
Fire Control Officers Contact Information
Prior to commencement of a burn you are required to notify the Shire of Waroona Administration Office of time/s, date/s and location number/s.
Shire of Waroona 9733 7800
Fire Bans
Total fire bans are declared because of extreme weather conditions or when widespread fires are seriously stretching resources. When a total fire ban is declared it is illegal to do anything that is likely to start a fire.
Department of Fire and Emergency Services - Total Fire Ban
Current alerts and warnings can also be found here.
Information on Total Fire Bans
Register your mobile for SMS Messages
The Shire of Waroona has implemented a SMS Notification Service for Total Fire Ban & Harvest & Vehicle Movement Bans, as well as information relating to restricted/prohibited burning periods. As soon as a Total Fire Ban or Harvest & Vehicle Movement Ban is called, all mobile phones registered will receive a SMS directly to their mobile phone. This service is free of charge. Please note Total Fire Bans are called by Dept of Fire & Emergency Services (DFES) and Harvest & Vehicle Movement Bans are called by the Waroona Chief Bushfire Control Officer.
To subscribe for this service please email your details to or phone the Shire Office on 9733 7800.
Terms and Conditions
- By subscribing to this service you agree to receive SMS messages from the Shire of Waroona regarding “Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans” and other bans imposed during the fire season.
- You accept that by subscribing to this service you will receive message for the current and future fire seasons.
- The Shire of Waroona reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time. Any decision to discontinue this service will be advised via this SMS service.
- You accept that radio announcements are still the primary means of notification of bans. In the event of a discrepancy between this SMS service and an announcement on the radio, the latter shall prevail.
- You have the right to unsubscribe from this service at any time. To unsubscribe, please notify the Shire of Waroona in writing, via fax on (08) 9733 1883 or email Do Not attempt to unsubscribe via replying to an SMS notification.
- You accept that the Shire may from time to time use this SMS service to send other topical messages.
If you have any further enquires please do not hesitate to contact the Shire of Waroona office during normal business hours on 9733 7800.
Message from the Water Corporation
The Water Corporation is prepared for bushfire season however we cannot guarantee that water pressure or water supply will be maintained in the event of a bushfire. We will always do all that we can to maintain supply however fire damaged infrastructure or a cut to power can result in a total loss of water.
If scheme water is available during a bushfire it is a bonus for property protection efforts, but it is not something that can be relied upon. People who plan to stay and defend their property during a bushfire need to have their own independent water supply and pumping capability, and must not rely on the public water supply.
Details about how to prepare for the bushfire season can be found on the DFES website or by clicking the image below.