Community Services
As in most local government authorities, Place & Community Development is an important part of the development and growth of the Shire of Waroona.
Community Services Coordinator
Jade Salpietro is the Shire of Waroona's Community Services Coordinator. Jade is available during office hours Monday to Friday at the Shire Administration Office, or can be contacted on either 9733 7800 or by email
The Community Services Officer is involved in a wide range of programs, projects and initiatives in the community. The role of Community Services is to encourage greater participation by all shire residents in their community and to enhance the Identity, Spirit and Diversity of the Shire and the individual communities within it.
Place & Community Development Initiatives include:
- Facilitate & advocate access to improved resources;
- Project development;
- Community events / workshops;
- Community safety initiatives;
- Identifying funding opportunities;
- Community capacity building & skills development;
- Community planning;
- Community culture;
- Improved community networks; and
- Youth Advisory Council facilitation and support.
Kid Sport is now being processed by the Recreation Centre. Please call 9733 2389 for more information.
Community Directory
A variety of community groups, organisations and not-for-profits operate within the shire. Please find their details below in the Shire of Waroona Community Directory.
If you would like to add your organisation to the Community Directory, or update the details of your organisation, please submit a request through the above link.
Community Groups Insurance
Are you wanting cheaper insurance for your community group. Why not try insurance for community groups through Local Government Insurance Services. To find out more please click on the 'link' below.
Public Events in the Shire of Waroona
In order to conduct a public event on Shire of Waroona land or in a Shire owned venue, approval must first be obtained through the lodgment of a Public Event Application Form.
Public event approvals protect health, welfare and safety of those attending.
If your community group or organisation is planning a public event or activity open to the public and expect over 100 people to attend, contact the Shire of Waroona’s Place and Community Development team to discuss you requirements as an event organiser.
T 08 9733 7800
Mentally Healthy Waroona – Act, Belong, Commit
The Shire of Waroona are proud to partner with Act Belong Commit.
Act Belong Commit encourages people to take action to improve and protect their mental health and wellbeing by promoting protective behaviours known to increase mental wellbeing at the individual and community level. The core message is as follows:
Act: Do Something. Keep active – mentally, physical, socially, spiritually, culturally…
Belong: Do something with someone. Keep connected – to friends, family, community and your culture.
Commit: Do something meaningful. Do something meaningful, important and valuable to you.
The Shire of Waroona in partnership with Act Belong Commit are working to encourage a mentally healthy community. Engaging in activities that keep us mentally healthy is the most effective way to improve individual and community mental health and wellbeing.
For a full list of upcoming events check out our events list Events Calendar » Shire of Waroona
You can take the first step in boosting your mental wellbeing by completing the Act Belong Commit Mental Wellbeing Quiz. Follow the link below:
Mental Wellbeing Quiz - Act Belong Commit
Want to find out more? Visit the Act Belong Commit website and stay updated with the latest information. Home - Act Belong Commit | Promoting Positive Mental Health in WA
For more information, contact the Community Development team at the Shire of Waroona on (08) 9733 7800.
For urgent Mental Health assistance:
Mental Health Emergency Response Line
Phone (metro): 1300 555 788
Phone (peel): 1800 676 822
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Crisis line:
Phone: 13 11 14
Live chat: link will open in a new window
Text: 0477 13 11 14
Hours: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Support helpline:
Phone: 1300 22 4636 (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
Online chat- link will open in a new window: 1pm to midnight AEST
All calls and chats are one-on-one with a trained mental health professional, and completely confidential. Click for more information.