Graffiti Management
The presence of Graffiti in the Shire of Waroona is of ongoing concern to the general public as well as to the Council due to its adverse affect on the environment and streetscape and the considerable cost for removal.
Graffiti Management is a complex, multifaceted problem requiring a diverse range of solutions.
Graffiti Management Strategies
The Shire of Waroona has adopted the following approaches to Graffiti Management which involve both the community and the Council and are supported by the Office of Crime Prevention.
- Rapid Removal
- Multi faceted reporting
- Community Education
- Reward payment for reporting leading to successful prosecution
- Mural projects
Graffiti Trailer
Council has been successful in obtaining a grant through the Office of Crime Prevention Graffiti Hotspot Fund of $19,995 for the purchase of a Graffiti Trailer and new video surveillance camera, graffiti vandals will not have the pleasure of their work around for long. The trailer will be permanently set up with all implements required to remove graffiti as soon as it is seen. Prompt Graffiti removal is seen as best practice as it diminishes the level of recognition and reward achieved by graffiti vandals.
Further Information
For more information on Graffiti please click on the links below.
Shire of Waroona Targeting Graffiti information booklet
Goodbye Graffiti Website:
Or contact:
Grafifti information Information
The Shire of Waroona |
(08) 9733 7800 |
Office of Crime Prevention |
(08) 9222 9733 |
Waroona Police |
(08) 9733 7400 |
Goodbye Graffiti hotline |
1800 44 22 55 |
Other relevant websites:
The Shire of Waroona wish to acknowledge the Office of Crime Prevention and the Graffiti team for their assistance.
Click here for the CUSTOMER ACTION REQUESTS form
Report Graffiti
Anyone can report acts of graffiti vandalism against public assets, community facilities or private property. If graffiti vandalism occurs on your own property or a property you are responsible for, you should report the incident as soon as possible.
Yes, illegal graffiti is a criminal offence. Council recommends that graffiti is reported.
Please note, you can report anonymously unless you are reporting as a victim. A victim report requires identifying information to aid the police in their enquiries.
Before removing any graffiti you are encouraged to photograph the damage and keep the original images for the police, should they require them. In the event of significant graffiti damage (racist/obscene or large scale) you are urged to contact the State Graffiti Hotline to request Police/forensic attendance.
Please be aware that the Shire of Waroona is not responsible for the removal of graffiti on private property.
A fee would be charged for assessment and removal of graffiti on private property. Property owners will be required to sign a waiver.
Graffiti vandalism is a criminal offence. If you have any information that might help identify offenders contact the State Graffiti Hotline on 1800 44 22 55.
How to report
How to report graffiti Information
Waroona Police |
9733 7400 |
Police Reporting Centre |
131 444 |
Crimestoppers |
1800 333 000 |
State Graffiti Hotline |
1800 44 22 55 |
Where a customer service operator will complete a incident report form on your behalf with the details you provide. Using this number will enable quicker response time to organise clean-up and removal, and the graffiti hotline operates 24hrs.
Alternatively, complete the online form:
If your information leads to the arrest or caution of an offender, you may be eligible for a reward of up to $1000.
Alternatively, complete the online form: Shire of Waroona Report Form
At the April Council meeting Council resolved to offer a reward payment of $500 to persons who report acts of vandalism within the Shire of Waroona. To receive the reward, the report must lead to the successful prosecution of the offending individual. In addition, if you have any information that may help the Shire of Waroona please contact us on 9733 7800 or if you see acts of vandalism in progress please contact the local police.
For more information please view the Targeting Graffiti Book.