Published on Tuesday, 29 October 2019 at 4:33:15 PM
29 October 2019
Media Release
The Waroona Shire Council has recently endorsed a vehicle identifier sticker (VIS) system for the next two bush-fire seasons.
This system recognises the ability of local government in using local knowledge regarding he background and skills of the person applying for the sticker identifier to determine which vehicles are eligible.
The associated procedure and application form will establish the expected requirements for members of the public who wish to assist with fire suppression activities using their own personal vehicles and equipment.
The Department of Fire and Emergency Services has set some minimum conditions in which to receive the sticker to ensure that those people wishing to be involved have the necessary equipment and background in which to add value.
Shire President, Cr Mike Walmsley said that this is a step forward to eliminate confusion, and only allowing those who actually have equipment to defend a fire to do so.
“In an emergency, we don’t want residents running everywhere without adequate fire equipment. What we want is for rural landowners to be of assistance to fire on their property, but we don’t want them heading into a fire knowing that they are not capable of defending themselves or property”.
“We feel this is a very good balance to allow those who can demonstrate that they can help and can defend their property to do so in a controlled manner”.
“However, ultimately, the Incident Controller determines and manages access to and from an incident depending on the circumstances”.
“The VIS will enable the Incident Controller to quickly assess the vehicle in the knowledge that the owner has been issued with the necessary guidelines and agree to the conditions on the application form”.
Applications can be made by contacting the Shire on 9733 7800.
Media Contact:
Sue Cicolari
Executive Support Officer
Ph: 9733 7805
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